My friends Ashley and Brady invited me to attend the birth of their baby boy, as their doula and photographer. First of all I have to say, it is so humbling and such an honor to be invited to anyone’s birth, but when it’s your college roommate and you’ve gotten to witness their relationship from the beginning, it’s knock you on your feet humbling.
I have never done the doula and photographer thing at the same time. It’s always been one or the other, so figuring out my role was tricky. As a photographer you want to stay out of the way and remain a fly on the wall. As a doula, you have to be on your toes ready to help and support. It was different but I think it changed how I saw the birth through my camera lens, and I have to say I really liked it.
Since their first baby was 11 days early, we were all a litle more on edge thinking this baby may come early. But Ashley’s due date came and he was still holding on. But EARLY the next morning, at 2am Ashley texted me to say she had been having cramps the last hour. I assumed we had lots of time, so when I asked how far apart her contractions were and she said 2-4 minutes I was shocked. So I told her to sit down and drink some water. But when she said it hurt too much to sit I was like, “yea, I think it’s time for the hospital.”
I quickly got ready, since I had an hour drive. I arrived at the hospital at 4:30am. But I missed all the action, because she was getting her epidural when I came to the room. But from what I here it was pretty intense and Zeke was in a hurry to make an entrance.
Their last birth, to say the least, was very stressful, so they were so relieved to have some calm and catch their breath before things picked up and Zeke arrived. Ashley was able to relax while her body kept working. They had the sweetest nurse and she hung around to chat for awhile. When she left, Brady ran to get something to drink and we turned the lights out. Not even one minute after they walked out, Ashley sat up and said, “somethings happen-” and before she could finish her sentence we heard this loud splash like a water balloon popping and her water broke.
We were getting really close. Everyone started getting things ready. I quickly disappeared to pump and then we just had to wait for the doctor who was still at home. Once everyone was there, they let Ashley start pushing. She was awesome, within 8 minutes Zeke was out arriving at 7:19. Ashley was amazing, Brady was great, and Zeke was so sweet all squished, covered in vernix and happy to be on his mama’s chest.
I stuck around for two hours so we could capture some photos of big sister Ruby meeting her baby brother. She was sweet as can me and ready to take him home right then.
Thank you so much Ashley and Brady for inviting me to be apart of your special day.