The newborn/family session I did with the Quisenberry Family is my favorite kind of photo session. You know why? Because it wasn’t perfect. And yet, the photos are beautiful. Let me explain. When I had my babies I never even considered doing a newborn session. My first had baby acne, he was nursing 24/7, and if you set him down, he screamed. It didn’t seem doable. Then when we had our second, he was more mellow, but we had a 17 month old who was trying to get used to having a baby brother when he was still very much a baby. I believed that since things weren’t ideal we just couldn’t do it. But the truth is, life with a newborn isn’t ideal, but it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be captured.
The Quisenberrys were such a kind family, I wanted to bring my boys over just so they could play with Evan. Evan hammed it up for the camera, but wasn’t really into holding his brother. Baby Jackson was so curious he didn’t want to sleep, which meant more feedings. But really, none of that mattered. Thank you Quisenberrys for such a wonderful time.